Tropical Getaway Conditioner

Tropical Getaway Conditioner


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This product has been made last July 2023, it's been 2 years to finally make the product to be able to sell but also not cause any problems along the way. 2 years? yes i had to test, remake the product, change the recipes around to get it to the products they become as of now.

I made sure to print out the ingredients below the title of the conditioner in self adhesive paper as the label onto BPA free recycled plastic squeezable pouch with a pourable nozzle that comes in a sealable twisted cap, so that not only do you see the product clearly, you can squeeze the product without wasting a drop of it. I made sure i stick to this plastic squeezable pouch because i don't like wasting product as much as anyone else.

This squeezable pouch size is 16 ounces, I prefer going big because i know for a fact not many people like it when the product may con in a big bottle but the product is a lot less. And Speaking of less, i made sure to add as much of a carrier oil percentage so that way you don't normally need to pour out more to wash long hair anymore, same goes for my shampoos, i made sure that the product spreads more instead of having you add more product to make it spread better for long hair.

In case you haven't guessed the ingredients may not come out readable on picture but i will assure you that every ingredient is stated as such.

WARNING: Do not use these products if you're allergic to coconut ingredients, Ask your doctor first if it's okay to use this product if you're sensitive to coconut.



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